Sunnah before Sleeping

Sunnah before sleeping
1.Perform Ablution as you would for Prayer .(Bukhari Book 4 Hadith 114)

2.Perform witr Prayer if you are not waking for tahajjud witr can be 1,3,5 rakaah or any odd number (Muslim 755)

3. Dust off your bed 3 times and mention Allah’s name and say

بِاسمِكَ رَبِّي وَضَعْتُ جَنْبي ، وَبِكَ أرْفَعُهُ ، إنْ أَمْسَكْتَ نَفْسِي فَارْحَمْهَا ، وَإنْ أَرْسَلْتَهَا ، فاحْفَظْهَا بِمَا تَحْفَظُ بِهِ عِبَادَكَ الصَّالِحِينَ 

 Bismika Rabbi wadha’tu janbi, wa bika arfa’uhu, in amsakta nafsi farhamha, wa in arsaltaha fahfazha bima tahfazu bihi ‘ibadakas-saliheen’.

( Bukhari Book 97, Hadith 22)

4.Recite Surah Al Ikhlas,Falaq and Nas then rub your hands over whatever parts of your body you will be able to rub start with your head,Face and front of your body do this 3 times. (Bukhari Book 66 Hadith 39)

5.Recite Ayatul Qursi (Q2:255)(Bukhari Book 40 Hadith 11)

6. Recite two last verses of Suratul Baqarah.(Bukhari Book 66 Hadith 31)

7.Place your right hand under your cheek and Say
اللَّهُمَّ قِنِي عَذَابَكَ يَوْمَ تَبْعَثُ عِبَادَكَ

[Allaahumma qinee ‘athaabaka yawma tab’athu ‘ibaadaka.

8.Also say بِاسْمِكَ اللَّهُمَّ أَمُوتُ وَأَحْيَا
Bismika Allaahumma ‘amootu wa ‘ahyaa.
(Bukhari Book 80 Hadith 11,Sunan Abu Dawud Book 43 Hadith 273)

(1)سُبْحَانَ اللَّهXِ33

2)والْحَمْدُ للَّهِX33
3)وَاللَّهُ أَكْبَرُX34
(1)Subhaanallaahi(X33)(2)Walhamdu lillaahi (x33)(3)Wallaahu ‘akbar.(x34)(Bukhari Book 69 Hadith 11)

10.Recite Surah Al Mulk
(At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa’i, Sahih al-Jami’ as-Saghir 4/255.)

11. Lie on your right side and Say
اللَّهُمَّ أَسْلَمْتُ نَفْسِي إِلَيْكَ، وَفَوَّضْتُ أَمْرِي إِلَيْكَ، وَوَجَّهْتُ وَجْهِي إِلَيْكَ، وَأَلْجَأْتُ ظَهْرِي إِلَيْكَ، رَغْبَةً وَرَهْبَةً إِلَيْكَ، لَا مَلْجَأَ وَلاَ مَنْجَا مِنْكَ إِلَّا إِلَيْكَ، آمَنْتُ بِكِتَابِكَ الَّذِي أَنْزَلْتَ وَبِنَبِيِّكَ الَّذِي أَرْسَلْتَ

“Allaahumma ‘aslamtu nafsee ‘ilayka, wa fawwadhtu ‘amree ‘ilayka, wa wajjahtu wajhee ‘ilayka, wa ‘alja’tu dhahree ‘ilayka,
raghbatan wa rahbatan ‘ilayka, laa maalja’ wa laa manja minka ‘illaa ‘ilayka, ‘aamantu bikitaabikal-lathee ‘anzalta wa bi-nabiyyikal-lathee ‘arsalta.”

Let the aforesaid words be your last utterance (before sleep).

(Whoever says this and dies in his sleep, has died in a state of the natural monotheism (Fitrah).)
(Bukhari Book 4 Hadith 114)

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